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Custom Field Type: Select One – Combo Box

1,991 bytes removed, 18:23, 4 September 2018
<u>'''#REDIRECT [[Custom Field Display'''</u> Type: Select One - Dropdown List]]
==General Description==Displays as a set of values in a combo box. The [[User|user]] can select a single value. The size of scrolling window is controlled by the '''Edit ModeHeight Setting'''.
'''View Mode'''
[[Image:Cf55.png]] <u>'''General Description'''</u> ==Field Display==
Displays as a set of values in a combo box. The [[User|userImage:cf_socb_ex1.png]] can select a single value. The size of scrolling window is controlled by the <br />'' '''Height SettingSelect One - Combo Box'''. <u>field, in '''Edit Mode''Field Options'(above)'' <br /u>
* '''Display Order''': The order (relative to other fields) in which this field is displayed
* '''Tab Name''': Displays the field under a given tab
* '''Field Name''': The name of the field, used internally to reference the user's input
* '''[[Caption]]''': The leading question or prologue before the field
* '''Allow Empty''': This check box allows the record to be saved with the default value. (See [[#Notes|Notes]] below)
* '''Searchable''': This field can be searched within the tracking application
* '''Track Changes''': Keeps track of changes made to this field
<u>'''Special Options for Field'''</u>
'''Values''': The values to be used within the combo box, delimited by a semi-colon with no spaces.
The first value listed will be the default value when a new record is created[[Image:cf_socb_ex2.png]]<br />'' '''Select One - Combo Box''' field, in '''View Mode''' (above)''<br />
'''Note:''' If you want the value ''stored'' in the field to be different from what is ''displayed'' in the combo box you can use the following syntax in the '''Values''' section:
The value '''before''' the equal sign will be stored. The value '''after''' the equal sign is what will be displayed in the combo box, but does not get saved.
[[Image:cf_socb_ex3.png]]<br />
'' Setting the values for the '''Select One - Combo Box''' field, in '''General Settings''' (above)''
* '''Enable Map Service''': displays the map icon next to the field name that will launch the user’s selected map service and display a map of the content of the field{{FieldOptions}}* '''Enable People Search Service''': displays the search Internet icon next to the field name that will launch a variety of search services and display the contact details from those services* '''Enable Organization Search Service''': displays the search Internet icon next to the field name that will launch a variety of search services and display the organisations details from those services <u>'''Field Validation'''</u> {{ParentField}}
* '''TypeValues''': Select Date, Numeric, or Alphabetic validation* '''JavaScript Validation''': Here can The values to be entered any specific JavaScript validation used for this fieldeach check box delimited by a semi-colon with no spaces* '''[[Validation Message|Message]]''': Message the user will see if entry fails validation check{{ToolTip}}{{HideFieldForNewRecord}}{{SmartFieldView}}
<u>'''Value Stores To'''</u>
* '''Custom Field''': Enables linking two different custom fields to the same user data{{OptionsTab}} {{AllowEmpty}}<u>'''Field Formatting Options'''</u> {{AppearMandatory}}{{Searchable}}{{TrackChanges}}{{EnableMultipleSelect}}{{ShowDisplayValueInListViews}}{{ShowAsRadioButtons}}{{EnableKML}}{{DisableQuickEdit}}{{DisableFromGlobalSearch}}
* '''Width''': Determines the width of the field
* '''Number Format''': Formats any numbers entered into this field
* '''Style''': '''Bold''', <u>Underline</u>, ''Italic'', <font color="red">Highlight</font>
* '''[[Tool Tip]]''': Enter help text to be shown on mouse-over
* '''Read Only''': Checkbox
* '''HTML Tag''': Additional attributes to the field HTML tag
* '''[[Visibility Condition]]''': Conditions upon which the field is visible
<u>'''[[Role Field Permissions|Role - Field Permissions]]'''</u> {{Validation}}
These [[Role Field Permissions|fields]] allow you to control by [[Role]] who is allowed to view and/or modify the field.
{{Formatting}}{{CaptionStyle}} * '''Width''': Enables the user to set the width of the Lookup field in pixels{{CustomHTMLTag}}   ==Value Storage=={{ValueStoresTo}}  {{CFPermissionsTab}}   ==Configuration Best Practices=={{CFComboBoxBP}}   ==Referencing the Value==: <uspan style="font-size: medium;">'''[[Status Field Permissions|Status @''fieldname''@''' </span>: <span style="font- Field Permissions]]size: medium;">'''@''fieldname''.combovalue@'''</uspan> * or: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''@#''fieldid''#@''' </span>: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''@#''fieldid''Only present within the [[Universal Tracking Application]].combovalue#@'''</span>These [[Status Field Permissions|fields]] allow you When trying to control by reference the [[Status]] values of this custom field type, you must use '''@fieldname@''' or '''@fieldname.combovalue@''', depending on how the record whether field is setup. Typically, you can use @fieldname@ but there is a special case where you must use @fieldname.combovalue@ when the values in the combo box are 1=Yes;2=No;3=Maybe.Using @fieldname@ will return the Yes, No, or not Maybe. But using @fieldname.combovalue@ will return 1, 2, or 3. Using @''fieldname''.value@ will display the full HTML of the field can ; in other words, a dropdown box containing the values of the field will be viewed and/or modifieddisplayed.<!-- ssRetiredOption ssRetiredOptions -->
'''<u>Allow Empty</u>'''{{StoredValue}}
Because the values in a Combo Box [[Custom Field]] are restricted to the semi-colon delimited list in the '''Values''' field, the '''Allow Empty''' field has a slightly different behaviour than usual. It controls whether or not the record can * The first value listed will be saved with the default value (which when a new record is the first value listed in the '''Values''' section):created.* If '''Allow Empty''' This technique is checked, the record important when translating to other languages. The '''canStoreValue''' must be saved with the default valuesame in all languages. See [[Custom Field Language Settings|here]] for further information.
* If '''Allow Empty''' is '''not''' checked, the record '''cannot''' be saved with the default value. In this way you can force the user to select a value different from the default value.:* '''Important:''' Because the record cannot be saved with the default value, the first item listed in the '''Value''' section should be either a space followed by a semi-colon (if you want the field to start out blank) or an instruction to the user such as ''-----Select One-----; Please choose;'' or similar. You do not want an actual value as the first item, since the record can never be saved with the first value if '''Allow Empty''' is deselected.{{AllowEmptyDescription}}
==See Also==
* [[Custom Field Language Settings]]
[[Category:Custom Fields]]{{CustomFieldPageFooter}}

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