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Creating SmartConnect Functions

826 bytes added, 19:25, 30 August 2018
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'''Field List'''  - sf_Type Name;;sf_Content;;sf_Created By;;sf_Created By ID;;sf_Created Date;;sf_Note ID;;sf_Object ID;;sf_Type ID;;sf_Note Content
Parameters used are: <br />
''objectid'' = [[Determining_the_opportunityid|Opportunity ID]]<br />
--Begin custom parameter --<br />
'''Field List'''  - sf_Address;;sf_Address 2;;sf_City;;sf_State / Province;;sf_Country;;sf_Zip / Postal Code;;sf_Primary Address;;sf_Type;;sf_Type ID;;sf_Updated By;;sf_Last Modified;;sf_Object ID;;sf_Address ID<br /> 
Parameters used are: <br />
''objectid'' = [[Determining_the_companyid|Company ID]]<br />
--Begin custom parameter --<br />
====Get Metadata from CMS360° Application Metadata====
'''Function Name'''  -  3.04.1 Get Metadata Sample 1: CMS360°: Application Metadata<br />
'''Description'''  - To retrieve metadata from a [[Category:Universal_Tracking_Application|Universal Tracking Application]].<br />
====Get Metadata from GMS360° Application Organizations====<!--63342 - SmartConnect API - metadata option to include Orgs/Contacts-->'''Function Name'''  -  3.04.2 Get Metadata Sample 2: Organizations Metadata<br />'''Description'''  - To retrieve metadata from Organizations.<br />'''Object Type'''  -  Company<br />'''Action Type '''  -  Get Meta<br />'''Field List'''  - companies.*<br />  No parameters are needed to retrieve metadata.<br />  ====Get Metadatafrom Contacts====<!--63342 - SmartConnect API - metadata option to include Orgs/Contacts-->'''Function Name'''  -  3.04.2 Get Metadata Sample 2: Organizations Metadata<br />'''Description'''  - To retrieve metadata from Organizations.<br />'''Object Type'''  -  User<br />'''Action Type '''  -  Get Meta<br />'''Field List'''  - contacts.*<br />  No parameters are needed to retrieve metadata.<br /> 

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