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Payment Integration

315 bytes added, 19:39, 6 June 2018
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SmartSimple offers a variety of features and technique to route payments generated from SmartSimple directly to any financial system.
The integration process can either be manual or automated depending on your business requirement.
==Manual file export from a list view==
SmartSimple allows system administrators to configure certain [[Types]] to be used as payments, in order to integrate information from accounting software such as QuickBooks<sup>TM</sup>.
This feature is configured on the [[Types#Type_Settings|Type Settings]] page. In this example, a {{L2}} type called "Payments" will be used to integrate with an external instance of QuickBooks.
Select the ''Is Payment'' option from the [[Types#Type_Settings|Type Settings]] page and hit Save:
The ''Payment Field Mapping'' tab will appear at the top of the page:
The ''Payment Field Mapping'' screen will be displayed:
To preview the imported financial data for a record, click on the ''Preview'' button at the bottom of the ''Payment Field Mapping'' screen:
===Exporting===A major feature of SmartSimple [[List Views]] is that list view results can be exported with the click of a button.
A major feature of SmartSimple The [[List ViewsConfiguring_List_Views#Export_Tab|Custom Export]] is that options must be configured against the list view results can be exported with the click of a button. appropriate column headers and fields
The [[Configuring_List_Views#Export_Tab|Custom Export]] options must be configured against the list view with appropriate column headers and fields
A list of Column Headings from QuickBooks can be accessed here: [[QuickBooks Column Headings]]
==Automated File Mediated Integration==
==See Also==

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