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67 bytes added, 17:36, 20 October 2017
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There are three things to use caution about this syntax:
*'''Case Sensitive''' – Watch for The syntax must be '''inRole''' exactly: lower case “i” and upper case “R”
*'''Do not encapsulate the whole syntax''' – This syntax always returns a value, either true or false which mostly would not cause any problems for example in [[sslogic]] or visibility conditions. However, encapsulation of the syntax will return a string which is useless if not equaled to another string.
*'''Do not encapsulate the role name''' – This is looping the role names in the instance and tries to match what is in the brackets. Use the exact role name without encapsulating.  '''Correct''': '''@me.inRole(Organization Contact)@''' <font color="red">'''Wrong''':</font> "@owner.inRole(Organization Contact)@"  <font color="red">'''Wrong''':</font> @me.inRole("Organization Contact")@ <font color="red">'''Wrong''':</font> "@me.inRole("Organization Contact")@" <font color="red">'''Wrong''':</font> @me.InRole(Organization Contact)@ OR @me.inrole(Organization Contact)@ <font color="red">'''Wrong''':</font> @mequotes.inRole(''rolename1'' OR ''rolename2'')@
|'''''@me.inRole(Organization Contact)@'''''
|<font color="red">'''Wrong''':</font>
|''"@owner.inRole(Organization Contact)@"'' - don't put quotes around the variable. It's a true/false value, not a string.
|<font color="red">'''Wrong''':</font>
|''@me.inRole("Organization Contact")@'' - don't put quotes around the role name. The role name is ''Organization Contact'', not ''quote Organization Contact unquote''.
|<font color="red">'''Wrong''':</font>
|''"@me.inRole("Organization Contact")@"'' - don't put quotes around both things...
|<font color="red">'''Wrong''':</font>
|''@me.InRole(Organization Contact)@ '' OR ''@me.inrole(Organization Contact)@'' - use the correct capitalization, ''inRole''
|<font color="red">'''Wrong''':</font>
|''@me.inRole(''rolename1'' OR ''rolename2'')@'' - instead of this, use ''@me.inRole(''rolename1'')@ OR @me.inRole(''rolename2'')@''
The syntax for the test of when a contact is ''not'' in a role is to precede the ''inRole'' variable with an exclamation point ("!").
An example is that ''!@me.inRole(Administrator)@'' will return true only when the current user is not in the role of Administrator.
''For multiple role names use: @me.inRole(''rolename1'')@ OR @me.inRole(''rolename2'')@
==See Also==
* [[Boolean Operators]]
[[Category:VariablesTo Move Later]]
Smartstaff, administrator

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