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Edit Workflow

1,613 bytes removed, 12:57, 21 July 2017
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#REDIRECT [[Image:WorkFTask5.pngWorkflows Overview]]
The following options appear along the top of the screen: * '''Back''' – click this tab to return to the previous page accessed.* '''Workflows''' – click this tab to return to the [[Workflow|workflow]] list.* '''New Task''' – click this tab to create a new [[Workflow|workflow]] task.* '''Diagram''' – click this tab to see a [[diagram view]] of the workflow. The following tabs are also displayed: * '''Task''' – click this tab to view [[Workflow|workflow]] task and to edit tasks. Tasks are steps within the workflow. * [[Pending Queue]] – click this tab to see a list of outstanding tasks for this [[Workflow|workflow]], to delete certain tasks and to reassign tasks to other contacts within the system.* '''History''' - click this tab to see a list of completed tasks for this workflow. This page consists of the following configuration options:* '''Workflow Type''': See [[Workflow Types]]* '''Name''': Name of the workflow.* '''Description''': Narrative description for the workflow.* '''Workflow Window''': See [[Suppress Workflow Window]].* '''Run Asynchronously''': This setting will tell the system to allow workflows to run concurrently, rather than being running in sequence.* '''Category''': Similar to [[Report Categories]], workflows can be assigned a category for easier system organization.* '''Trigger When''': Typically, the [[status]] that will trigger a workflow. * '''Termination Trigger''': See [[Workflow_Triggers_on_Dates#Termination_Triggers|this page]] for additional information.* '''System Call Name''': See [[System Call]] page for additional information. [[Category:Workflows]]{{DeprecatedPage}}
Smartstaff, administrator

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