
Workflows Overview

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Task Type specific configuration
Each available task type represents a different type of action and has different configurations needs as a result. This section discusses the specific configuration needs for the different tasks types
===Task Type: Acknowledgement===
Change Status Workflow Task Types change the status of the object that triggered the workflow. There is no messaging on this task type.
Change Status Tasks have the following settings:
* Name - Narrative name for the task. * Task Type - manually set to Change Status* Task Number - A system generated number that determines the presentation order of the task in the workflow. This number can be changed to display the step in a different location. * Description - Detailed description of the task (optional). * Expire After - Intended duration of the workflow. * Change Status To - lists statuses from the selected UTA level. This workflow task will change the status of the object that triggered the workflow to the selected status.
===Task Type: Company Association===
You can use the Company Association Workflow Task Type to automatically add, remove or update one or more companies to a Level 1 record. They will be assigned to the record with the UTA category defined in the "Roles will be assigned" setting.
Company Association Tasks have the following settings:
* Name - Narrative name for the task. * Task Type - manually set to Company Association * Task Number - A system generated number that determines the presentation order of the task in the workflow. This number can be changed to display the step in a different location. * Description - Detailed description of the task (optional). * Expire After - Intended duration of the workflow. * Use Variables for companies - Allows user to use syntax to reference the company IDs * Action: Add, update or delete the company association* Companies - use Lookup to select the Companies that will be added. * Roles will be Assigned - select the categories that you want the companies to be assigned with. To assign different companies with different categories, you will have to create more than one Company Association task.  
===Task Type: Create Consumer/Provider Link===
Consumer/Provider Link Workflow Task Type creates Consumer/Provider relationships, and is only available to Level 1 and Level 2 workflows.
Consumer/Provider Tasks have the following settings, all of which control how the target record is linked to the record triggering the workflow:
* Name - Narrative name for the task. * Task Type - manually set to Create Consumer/Provider Link* Task Number - A system generated number that determines the presentation order of the task in the workflow. This number can be changed to display the step in a different location. * Description - Detailed description of the task (optional). * Expire After - Intended duration of the workflow. * Connection Type - Select whether the link will be a Consumer or Provider * Connection Application - Select the UTA being connected * Connection Level - Choose the connection level (Level One or Level Two)* Object ID / Variable - Enter the Record ID (or a variable to obtain the Record ID of the object to connect to). It accepts semicolon separated lists. * Connection Role - Select the Consumer UTA Connection role to be used for the connection  
===Task Type: Create New Activity===
You can use the Create New Activity Workflow Task Type to automatically create and attach one or more Level 2 records to a Level 1 record. This workflow can be driven by a Status change on the Level 1 record. The workflow will also trigger (in this sequence):
 1. Auto-assignments  2. Level 2 Formulas  3. Level 2 Workflows  
New Activity Tasks have the following settings:
* Name - Narrative name for the task. * Task Type - manually set to Create New Activity* Task Number - A system generated number that determines the presentation order of the task in the workflow. This number can be changed to display the step in a different location. * Description - Detailed description of the task (optional)* Expire After - Intended duration of the workflow. * Days Delay - Number in days of delay before creation of new activity. If left blank, the new activity will be created immediately. * Create for Users in UTA Role: select the UTA Role of the users that the Peer Activity should be created against.* Activity Type: This is where you specify which Level 2 Type you wish to create. If you select the Custom Field option then a Custom Field ID field is exposed.* Custom Field ID: The Create New Activity workflow can be driven by a Custom Field. For example, you could have check boxes at Level 1 corresponding to various Level 2 Types. Selecting each check box would create and attach the relevant Level 2 activity type. You must first create a Custom Field on the Level 1 record which stores the typeid(s) of the Level 2 Types to be created. To create multiple Level 2 records use one of the Select many field types (e.g. Select Many – Check Boxes, Select Many – Scrolling Check Box, Select Many – List Box) and to create a single Level 2 record use the Select One – Combo Box. * Activity Status: Allows you to define the Status for the newly created Level 2 record(s). Note: If that Level 2 Status has a workflow attached to it the workflow will be triggered at the point of creation of the Level 2 record. * Reminder Type - You can select whether a Quick Message or reminder email will be sent out to the Owner or contacts attached to the record, or any combination of the above. * Reminder Days - Sets delay for reminder message being sent. * Message Template: From Address - Email address sent from. This field accepts variables, so you can either hard-code a value (i.e. or use variable syntax (i.e., on a Level 1 Workflow, * Message Template: Subject - Narrative subject line of the message. * Message Template: Body - Narrative body of the message.  
===Task Type: Generate PDF File===
Auto generation of a PDF that can be:
* E-mailed to the person(s) designated in the workflow step. * Stored within a Multiple Files Custom Field.  
The PDF generated must be based upon a Web Page View Custom Field. You must specify the Custom Field ID of the Web Page View to be converted in the Web Page Field ID field on the Workflow Task settings.
Multiple PDFs can be created and stored in a single Link - Multiple Files custom field using this workflow task type, by entering the Custom Field IDs of the Web Page View fields, separated by commas.
To store the PDF, specify the field ID of the Link - Multiple Files custom field in the Store to Field ID field on the Workflow Task settings.
The field you are storing to does not need to be on the same object. The syntax @parent.Field allows the workflow to store a level two web page view to the parent record.
Generate PDF File Tasks have the following settings:
* Name - Narrative name for the task. * Task Type - manually set to Create Consumer/Provider Link* Task Number - A system generated number that determines the presentation order of the task in the workflow. This number can be changed to display the step in a different location. * Description - Detailed description of the task (optional). * Expire After - Intended duration of the workflow. * Web Page Field ID - Must contain the Custom Field ID of the Web Page View to be converted into PDF format. To create multiple PDFs, enter the Custom Field IDs of the Web Page View fields in the Web Page Field ID# setting of the Workflow Task, separated by commas.* Store to Field ID - If PDF file should also be stored to the record, must contain the Custom Field ID of the relevant Link - Multiple Files custom field. * Message Template: Message Type - Type of message – e-mail, instant message, both, or none required with this task. E-mail and instant messages can be created using variables that will create custom messages specific to instances of the workflow. Options are No Message Required (default), Quick Message, Email Only and Quick Message and Email. * Message Template: From Address - Email address sent from. This field accepts variables, so you can either hard-code a value (i.e. or use variable syntax (i.e., on a Level 1 Workflow, * Message Template: CC Email Address - CC recipients address. (Separate multiple addresses with commas). Additional Email Syntax options can be used within this field. * Message Template: Email Body Format - Options are Plain Text or HTML. * Message Template: Email Message Header - The email header can be modified using the following syntax, with the arguments separated by semicolon: o **X-Priority={1,2,3,4,5} o **Priority={normal,urgent,non-urgent} o **Importance={high,normal,low} o **Sensitivity={personal,private,company,confidential} e.g. Priority=urgent;Importance=high **Message Template: Subject - Narrative subject line of the message. * Message Template: Body - Narrative body of the message. * Message Template: Attach Object - Attaches the details of the object to the message. In the case of a SmartSimple object, such as a company, person, or application, the textual details of the object will be added. If the object is a file, then the file will be attached to an e-mail message, but not an instant message. * Message Template: Attachment File IDs - Attach additional default files when triggered from a Smart Folder. See the Determining the File ID article for instructions. * Message Template: Save as Event - will create an e-mail activity. If it’s L1/L2 workflow, where the UTA L2/L3 Email Activity settings have been configured, then it will be saved as L2/L3 event under the L1/L2 object. Otherwise it will be saved as user event against each recipient. * Routing: Use Variable for Recipients - Allows recipients of the message to be selected using variables. See this article for configuration details. * Routing: Use UTA Role - When using roles to select recipients, the UTA Role can be used to determine recipients. * Routing: Role - Used to select recipients by role. * Routing: Selected Users - If required, specific users can be selected to complete this task. This technique restricts the number of users that the initiator can select. * Routing: Routing Options - Specifies the types of options available to process this workflow step. In many instances, the default options can be used, such as Approved, Rejected or Revise. But additional and alternate sets of options can be created to reflect more complex business processes.
If the response should be saved to a System Variable, the syntax would be:
==Using variable syntax to select recipients for workflow tasks==
Smartstaff, administrator