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16,982 bytes added, 15:45, 10 March 2017
Created page with "==General Details== ===Upgrade Dates=== Public Cloud Production release date: '''February 23rd 2017'''<br /> Public Cloud Backup release date: '''February 9th 2017'''<br /> P..."
==General Details==
===Upgrade Dates===
Public Cloud Production release date: '''February 23rd 2017'''<br />
Public Cloud Backup release date: '''February 9th 2017'''<br />

Private Cloud Production (Managed Upgrades) release date: '''March 9th 2017'''<br />
Private Cloud Backup (Managed Upgrades) release date: '''February 23rd 2017'''

==Global System Upgrades==
The new features listed below are enhancements to the SmartSimple system and will be immediately available to SmartSimple users upon the application of the upgrade to their server:

===Enhanced Interface of List Views===
Enhanced the interface of list views within the UTA, organization, and contact screens with improved layout for greater usability and consistency throughout the system. Specifically the search panel has been moved from the left side of the screen to the right. The access to the advanced search interface has been simplified and made easier to access. Also, the action buttons that pertain to the list view have been moved from the menu at the top of the screen down to the list header for a more intuitive feel. The saving and editing of filters has also been made easier and more intuitive by being moved within the advanced search area. The function to sort list views has been moved to allow you to sort a column by clicking the column header directly.

'''Pre-Upgrade List View'''

[[File:uta-listview-old.png|Pre-Upgrade List View]]

'''Post-Upgrade List View'''

[[File:uta-listview-feb-2017.png|Post-Upgrade List View]]

<!--52714 - List view and object view UI changes-->
<!--38493 - Arcadia open advanced search on the list page-->
<!--47576 - Sort list views ascending and descending by clicking on the header.-->

===New Fixed Headers for List Views===
Enhanced the interface of list views within the UTA, organization, and contact screens with a fixed header. The column headers will now always be visible as you scroll through the list views.
<!--52599 - sticky list view headers-->

===Enhanced Interface of File Upload Fields===
Enhanced the interface of the file upload field to display action buttons in-line with the screen for ease of use, which also allows you to delete files without having to go to the upload screen.
<!--42616 - file upload field interface-->

===Updated Interface of UTA Level 2/3 Look Up Fields===
Updated the interface of look up fields on the UTA Level 2 and Level 3 screens for better look and feel as well as consistency with the Level 1 record. These look up boxes have been updated to the latest system styles.

'''Pre-Upgrade Look Up'''

[[File:level-2-lookup-old.png|Pre-Upgrade Look Up]]

'''Post-Upgrade Look Up'''

[[File:level2-lookup-feb-2017.png|Post-Upgrade Look Up]]

<!--52620 - level 2 looks ups-->

===Enhanced Interface Styling===
Enhanced interface for better look and feel. Some affected areas include title bar styling that have been updated for a more contemporary style. Added icon images to header menu options.

'''Pre-Upgrade Title Bar'''

[[File:titlebar-old.png|Pre-Upgrade Title Bar]]

'''Post-Upgrade Title Bar'''

[[File:titlebar-feb-2017.png|Post-Upgrade Title Bar]]

<!--52703 - No solid colored subtitle bars for arcadia-->
<!--51636 - Add font awesome Icons to the header links in arcadia/x-->

===Enhanced Interface of Transactions===
Enhanced the interface of transaction pages by extending the Arcadia styling to transaction pages for improved look and feel as well as greater consistency with the rest of the system.
<!--39715 - Transaction page not using Arcadia styles-->

===Enhanced Validation for Sign Up Pages===
Extended SmartCheck server-side validation functionality to also run on sign up pages now. This improves the look and feel as well as security of sign up page field validations.
<!--33801 - SmartCheck Field Level Validation for Signup pages-->

===Enhanced Validation for Internet Enabled Templates===
Extended SmartCheck server-side validation functionality to also run on UTA template pages now.
<!--52536 - SmartCheck Validation on Internet Enabled Template-->

===Updated Email Templates Role Access for Multiple Roles===
Updated the configuration of email templates to allow the selection of multiple access roles. Previously this was limited to one role. You can now also copy existing email templates with the 'save as' option to easily create new templates.
<!--39779 - Save As button, and Role Lookup on Email Templates-->

===Updated Contact List Views with Account Type and Access===
Updated list views of contacts with the ability to search and display the type and access level of contact accounts. You can now choose to list the standard fields for the type and access level of a contact.
<!--3717 - Built-in report for Global Admins-->

===Enhanced Message Queue to Display Full Email Contents===
Enhanced the Message Queue list of emails to allow you the ability to see the full email content now instead of just a snippet.
<!--21392 - Preview button / Tooltip on Body column in Message Queue to show full body content-->

===Updated Security Audit Logs for Contacts===
Updated the contact security audit to now also include entries for contacts that have been merged as these were not previously being logged.
<!--31352 - Contact Security Audit - add Merge Contact and create contact-->

===Extended Status History Chart to Further Areas===
Extended the status history visual chart to UTA Level 2 and Level 3 screens as well as organizations and contacts. This was previously only made available to UTA Level 1 screens.
<!--52658 - Status History Chart for lv2, orgs and contacts-->

===New Recycle Bin for Reports===
New recycle bin for reports. Deleted reports will now be flagged as deleted instead of being instantly deleted. Reports flagged for deletion will automatically be purged if older than one year.
<!--12978 - Track report deletions in deletion log-->

===Enhanced Logging Option for Primary Authentication Controller===
New ability to enforce additional logging when using the primary authentication controller to log in to another instance. You can now enforce that users enter a reason when logging into another instance using this feature.
<!--42021 - PAC Security-->

===Enhanced System Design Document===
Enhanced the System Design Summary document to include more details and allow you the ability to select what specific areas of configuration to include in the generated document.
<!--52836 - System Document Phase 2-->

==On-Demand System Upgrades==
The following features are available immediately with the application of the upgrade, but must first be enabled or configured by a System Administrator:

===New User Emulation Mode===
New ability for administrators to temporarily log in as another user to replicate and experience their access and view of the system. This can be enabled through Roles & Permissions -> System Permissions -> Enable Emulation Mode to allow specific user roles this ability.
<!--52804 - Emulation Mode-->

===Enhanced Arcadia X Shortcut Section Styling===
Enhanced Arcadia X shortcut section with more contemporary styling for an improved look and feel. For backwards compatibility there is no change to your existing portals, however you can enable this new shortcut section by disabling the Classic Shortcut Panel option in your Global Settings.
<!--46536 - Updated Shortcut Panel-->

===Enhanced File Upload Custom Fields with Mandatory Validation===
Enhanced file upload custom fields with the ability to configure them as mandatory ensuring that a file is uploaded to them. This allows you to enforce the upload of file attachments without having to create submit logic or SmartCheck validation to enforce this as was the case previously.
<!--35107 - File Upload Fields Mandatory-->

===New OData Integration===
New ability to enable OData integration within reports. This allows for outbound integration from SmartSimple by building reports that you can then extract information from in a standard OData format.
<!--52838 - oData Support-->

===New Visualizations Screen for US Census Data===
New screen with pre-defined set of US census data statistics is now available on user or company profiles whose address is within the US. This tab can also be displayed on a UTA Level 1 object in context to the address of its customer organization. This simplifies the configuration for the display of US census data and manifests on the user or company profile as a new tab to show you a pre-defined set of useful fields.

'''Census Data Tab'''

[[File:us-census-feb-2017.png|Census Data Tab]]

<!--52974 - US census graphs-->

===New Arcadia X Section Type for Media Files===
New Arcadia X section type for Media Files in order to list and search on media files that have been uploaded to file upload fields configured as media libraries.
<!--52596 - Media Library Phase 2-->

===New Two-Factor Authentication===
New two-factor authentication protocol that can be enforced per user role. This uses the standard time-based one-time password algorithm supported by many applications such as Google Authenticator. This allows you to enable two-factor authentication without having to subscribe to our current VASCO solution. This can be enabled through Roles & Permissions -> User Roles -> and the Two Factor Authentication option within a user role.
<!--52837 - Two Factor Authentication using Time-based One-time Password Algorithm-->

===Enhanced Anonymous Record Lock Setting===
New setting to hide the display of the contact that has a company or contact record checked out with the record lock feature. Currently if a record is locked the message will display the name of the contact that has it locked. This is in addition to the existing setting to hide the record lock details within a UTA record. This setting can be found in the Global Settings -> Security settings.
<!--52027 - Anonymize Record Lock Owner Role Settings is required for Orgs and Contacts if the Enable Record Lock setting is enabled-->

==Beta Previews==

===New Integration with Salesforce CRM===
New built-in integration with Salesforce CRM system. You will be able to upload or download organizations and contacts to and from your Salesforce account as well as create custom fields in either system. This requires that you have an enterprise level Salesforce account in order to access their API.
<!--52807 - Salesforce Data Synchronization-->

==Notes for Admins==

===Updated jQuery Library===
Updated the version of jQuery library used by the platform from version 1.8.3 to 3.1.1. Please note that there may have been some function changes including some functions being deprecated between those versions. This is only relevant if you have configured custom HTML pages or areas and leveraged the platform's jQuery functions. In order to improve backwards compatibility for the new jQuery library we now also include the jQuery Migrate library v1.3.0. This library contains the deprecated functions from the previous jQuery library that will mitigate any issues but we cannot guarantee that custom configurations will not be impacted.
<!--53517 - AXP Vulnerability Assessment - old jQuery version and TLS1.0-->

===Bug Fix for Workflow Create New Activity Task===
Fixed a bug with workflow task type Create New Activity when using the Create for Users in UTA Role option. Previously this would create new activities for each UTA role configured even when there were no users assigned to those roles. This has been updated to only create activities when a user is assigned to the specified role.
<!--53823 - Triggering a workflow creates blank activities.-->

===Updated Default Display Order Interval to 100===
Updated the default display order interval for custom fields, this has been increased from 10 to 100 which allows for easier configuration and expansion of fields if needed. This affects any new fields created whose display orders will default by increments of 100 over the current largest display order.
<!--48989 - Set the default Display Order Interval for custom fields to 100 and allow it to be configured-->

===Bug Fix for Company Security Matrix Setting===
Updated the company/user security matrix to now ignore and hide the configuration within a company category that defines the user role view/edit permission. This was done because this setting is redundant and duplicated within the company/user security matrix and has caused some confusion.
<!--51524 - Internal users security matrix -->

===New Own Profile Scoping Option for User Security Matrix===
New scoping option within the user security matrix for just a user's own profile. Previously the smallest user scope in the security matrix was all users within your company.
<!--50314 - User Security Matrix-->

===Enhanced Settings Pages Interface===
Enhanced the interface of configuration settings pages for improved look and feel of the settings controls. Certain settings have had their input style changed from a check box to a more contemporary toggle input.
<!--47665 - toggles on config pages (instead of checkbox)-->

===Enhanced Custom Field Configuration List View to Display Sub-Dynamic Control Fields===
Enhanced the interface for custom field configuration list view to also show the sub fields underneath dynamic control fields.
<!--46774 - Method of searching for the child fields associated with a Dynamic Control field in the custom field list view-->

===Enhancements for Workflow Configuration===
New preview functionality for acknowledgement workflow task types lets you preview what an email template will look like. Also, enhanced the interface of the workflow task list view to include the connector conditions for greater ease of configuration.
<!--36276 - Workflow email task field reference for the Subject and Body-->
<!--41936 - Implementation efficiency: Display Connector condition in the workflow task list view-->

===Enhancements for In-Line Data Grid Custom Field===
Enhanced the In-Line Data Grid custom field with the ability for greater customization similar to the XML Data custom field. It now supports dynamic rows (setting the number of rows to 0), totaling of columns, and defining CSS styles.
<!--51806 - inline data grid phase 2 total-->

===Enhancements for XML Data Custom Field===
Enhanced XML Data custom fields that utilize a section mapped to activities that now allows them to also filter the activities by custom fields. Also, updated the XML Data custom field with the ability to label the total row within a section. Lastly, updated the Variable Processor to allow you to call the .length attribute of an XML node within an XML Data custom field.
<!--51184 - Enable XMLs to filter on custom fields in addition to object type and status-->
<!--36500 - Expandable XML sections - label for total row-->
<!--47271 - Add .length variable for XML nodevalues-->

===New Setting to Control Default Owner of UTA Level 1/2/3===
New setting to explicitly control whether you wish to default the owner field of a UTA Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 to the original creator. Previously this was always enabled, however an enable option will be introduced and all existing instances will have this setting set to enabled after the upgrade so that there is no change to current behaviour.
<!--29757 - Add setting to autoassign creator to L1 person, and to disable for owner-->

===New Setting to Control Creation of UTA Level 1 from Contact Profile===
New role permission to further configure the existing option for the ability to create a UTA Level 1 from a contact profile.
<!--31478 - Add role permission to New L1 option on company record-->

===New Setting to Configure Activity List Views for Organizations and Contacts===
New setting to configure the list view of activities displayed on an organization or contact profile.
<!--37736 - Organization and Contact activity list view configuration-->

===Enhanced Autoloader to Support JSON Format===
Enhanced the autoloader with ability to process JSON format files now.
<!--43938 - Add JSON/REST to autoloader-->

===New SmartConnect API Multiple Address Function===
New SmartConnect API functions for interacting with the multiple address records of organizations and contacts.
<!--50563 - Multi Address - Workflow / API-->

===New Setting to Disable Concurrent Login Restriction===
New setting to disable the restriction on concurrent logins. Using this setting will allow for the same user to be logged in concurrently from different locations, useful for load testing situations. Note that this option will only appear for the root instance of a server and thus is effectively only available for clients on a dedicated cloud offering.
<!--46068 - Disable Concurrent Login Check-->

===Updated Custom Field Configuration to Warn of Duplicate Field Names===
Enhanced custom field configuration page to warn you when editing a field with a duplicate name of another field.
<!--38912 - Implementation Efficiency: Custom field name duplicate check/alert-->
Smartstaff, administrator

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