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Template:Upgrade Schedule Details

288 bytes added, 15:27, 1 November 2016
no edit summary
|Public Cloud
|Two weeks prior to the productionupgrade
|22:00 - 23:59 EST
|5 minutes
|style="width: 22%"|Private Cloud - Managed Upgrades
|style="width: 10%"|Production
|style="width: 40%"|The Two weeks post Public Cloud upgrades (the second Thursday proceeding an after the Public Cloud production upgrade month )|22:00 - 23:59 local time|5 minutes|-|Private Cloud - Managed Upgrades|Development/Test|Two weeks post Public Cloud upgrades (two weeks proceeding the last second Thursday of an after the Public Cloud production upgrade month)
|22:00 - 23:59 local time
|5 minutes
|Private Cloud - Managed Upgrades
|Last Two weeks prior to the production ugprade (the last Thursday of an upgrade monthand the same day as the Public Cloud production ugprade)
|22:00 - 23:59 local time
|5 minutes
|style="width: 22%"|Private Cloud - Client-Managed Upgrades
|style="width: 10%"|All
|style="width: 40%"|The Two weeks post Public Cloud upgrades (the second Thursday proceeding an upgrade month (two weeks proceeding after the last Thursday of an Public Cloud production upgrade month)
|22:00 - 23:59 local time
|5 minutes
Smartstaff, administrator

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