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Provider / Consumer List View Search and Filter Functionality

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==Overview==This feature makes viewing a subset of consumers from a provider easy using the standard list view this is accomplished by adding search and filter functionality to Consumer/Provider list views. ==Feature Illustrated==#REDIRECT [[Image:Provider_Consumer_List_View_Filter.png|link=|700px]] ==Configuring This Feature==1. Navigate to the UTA, click on the Configuration Settings icon<br />2. Click on the '''Connectivity''' tab<br /> 3. In the '''Connectivity Settings''' section, ensure there is a check mark in the option for '''Enable UTA Connection as Provider'''. <br />4. Under Enable UTA Connection as Provider are the listed UTA Consumer list views types<br /> [[Image:UTA_Constumer_List_View_hyperlink.png|link=|800px]]  5. Click on the desired list view type hyperlink<br /> 6. The List Views page is displayed<br /> 7. Edit or create a new list view, displayed at the bottom of the list view details page is the '''Filter Option'''. The Filter Option drop down list is populated with existing filters.<br />  ==See Also==* [[UTA Provider/Consumer Relationships]]* [[Creating Provider / Consumer List View Search and Filter Functionality - Why?]] <!-- [[Category:Why]] [[Category:List_Views]] -->[[Category:Under Construction]]
Smartstaff, administrator

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