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SmartSimple provides features that allow for keyword searching of documents stored within the system.

Documents can be stored and searched in the following areas:

  • Custom Field types - Link - Single Field, Link - Multiple Files.
  • Resume (CV) field - within the Applicant Tracking sub-system.
  • Smart Folder - files can be searched by name, size and modified date only - no file contents.

Document Types

Though you can attach any type of document to these custom fields successful searching can be expected with MS-Word, MS-Excel and PDF formats.

Enabling Document Searching

Custom Fields

When using custom field type document searching, the Index check box needs to be enabled for each field that you wish to be searchable.

Once enabled, the system will index all documents stored in this field.

This may take up to an hour depending on the number and size of documents associated with the field.

Resume Searching

The system will automatically index all resumes.

If you have uploaded resumes in bulk (using the SmartDoc upload feature) you may with to force the indexing process.

To force an index go to Applicant Tracking, click the Settings tab and click the Force Indexing Now check box. It is NOT necessary to use this feature on an ongoing basis.


As Smart Folder file searching is restricted to name, size and date, no action is required.

Searching Documents

Once the document fields are indexed, you can search custom field documents in two ways:

Use the Search File Fields menu in the administrator interface (Portal link: /FileSearch/index.jsp)

If you are using the Universal Tracking Application then you can enable the Show File Search tab within the application.

Resume Searching

If you are using Resume (CV) searching using the Applicant Tracking application, you can review the process using the following article Finding and Filtering Applicants