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Revision as of 11:19, 11 November 2014

Global System Upgrades

The new features listed below are enhancements to the SmartSimple system and will be immediately available to SmartSimple users upon the application of the upgrade to your server:

Updated Functionality for Maximum Character Limit

  • The maximum character/word limit functionality of custom fields has been updated to allow users to enter content that exceeds the limit initially and then edit appropriately before saving/submitting the record. Content will no longer be truncated if pasted into the field from another source, but the character/word limit will still be enforced on save/submission.
Word counter limit.png

Error message.png

Additional Visibility Options on Company/Contact Custom Fields (Field Availability)

  • New ability to control which company categories and user roles global custom fields will be attributed to and visible for.
  • Using this method, custom fields can be used by multiple categories and roles, and hidden from others, without recourse to complex configuration.
  • The following settings will be displayed when configuring global user or company type custom fields:
Role type.png

Enhanced Arcadia Interface

The Arcadia interface has undergone UI improvements for object pages and behaviour.

  • The left-hand menu tabs have been moved to the top of the page for ease of navigation and greater real estate. When one of these menu tabs is selected the main section of fields will be hidden (currently this main section is persistent and remains).
  • Similar tabs will be grouped together for ease of navigation and greater real estate.
  • Custom fields grouped as tabs will now open up into a lightbox window as opposed to on the page itself.





Enhanced Usability for Multiple Lookup Fields

The look and feel of custom fields such as the Lookup - Ajax Options and Lookup - Entity and People fields have been enhanced. When the fields are configured to allow for multiple selection, the options selected for a given field will be displayed below the field. To de-select an option, simply click on the gray "x" next to the option name.



On-Demand System Upgrades

The following features are also available immediately with the application of the upgrade, but must first be enabled by a System Administrator:

Email Addressing

  • New functionality allows for the generation of a unique email address for an object or record.
  • Emails sent to the address are parsed and attached to the specific object or record.
Email anything.png

Email anything 2.png

Multiple Aliases per Copy of SmartSimple

  • New functionality allows for the creation of virtual aliases. This feature allows clients to mask the instance URL through the Content Manager.
  • For clients with a varied user base that require their own landing page or URL for branding purposes, multiple URLs (example: company.smartsimple.com, subcompany.smartsimple.com) can now be set to bring users to the same copy of SmartSimple.

Multiple Sign-Up Pages per Company

  • New functionality allows for the creation of multiple signup pages per company.
  • This can be used to support sign-up pages in different languages, which associate new users to the same company.