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Getting Started with Reports and Dashboards

2 bytes removed, 19:26, 26 April 2013
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There are a series of built-in reports that can be copied and used as the basis for your own reports.
Reports can be grouped together on report “tabs”“tabs. You can group reports on a similar topic together.
=Viewing Reports=
=Reporting Components=
You will encounter are three major components in the reporting system:
* Reports that are created from underlying [[SmartSimple]] database tables. You connect the required tables to create the report.
* Graphs that you create. These are based on an existing report and are used to display the report in a graphic format.
* Dashboards that displays multiple charts on a single page.
* A report allows you to manipulate both the contents and the presentation of the data contained in one or more of the [[SmartSimple]] tables.
* Unlike a table, a report presents only the data that meets some criteria that you define.
* Reports can aggregate information and display summary information.
* When the [[User|user]] displays the dashboard, each report referenced by each chart is processed, and the current data is displayed in charts that are displayed on the dashboard.
* You can create multiple dashboards to show different sets of key indicators.
* A [[User|user]] can indicate that a specific dashboard should be their “home page” within [[SmartSimple]], giving them an immediate view of key information from the key indicated system when they first log into the systemin.
* Each dashboard needs to be permissioned to the [[Role|roles]] you wish to be able to see the dashboard.
In order to make the creation of reports a little simpler, some of the [[SmartSimple]] tables are presented in a [ denormalized] format when using the '''[[Report Builder Column Settings|Report Builder]]'''.
For example, the contact record does not contain the company name; these two tables are linked at the database level through the '''CompanyID''' field. So contact table does not contain the company name field but rather a key field that links to the company table.
But when you use the contact table within the '''[[Report Builder Column Settings|Report Builder]]''' it will display a field “Company Name”. This means that you can use this field without needing to link the two tables together.

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