Custom Field Type: Upload - Single File Storage

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Field Display


General Description

Stores a single file into a single field. This field type is used to store a single uploaded document.

Field Options

  • Display Order: The order (relative to other fields) in which this field is displayed
  • Tab Name: Displays the field under a given tab
  • Field Name: The name of the field, used internally to reference the user's input
  • Caption: The leading question or prologue before the field
  • Button Label: Text to be displayed on the field's button (Default is Lookup...)
  • Allow Empty: N/A
  • Track Changes: N/A

Special Options for Field

Allow External Access - if there is an externally enabled report that includes this Single File field, anyone viewing the report will be able to click on the file names listed on the report for this Single File field and view the underlying file.

File Index – enables file indexing and full text searching using the Lucene full text search engine that is built into SmartSimple.

Field Formatting Options

  • Style: Bold, Underline, Italic, Highlight
  • Tool Tip: Enter help text to be shown on mouse-over
  • Read Only: Checkbox
  • HTML Tag: Additional attributes to the field HTML tag
  • Visibility Condition: Conditions upon which the field is visible

Role - Field Permissions

These fields allow you to control by Role who is allowed to view and/or modify the field.

Status - Field Permissions

These fields allow you to control by the Status of the record whether or not the field can be viewed and/or modified.

Indexing Multiple and Single File Fields

The Link Multiple File Field and the Link Single File Field both support a file index feature. Using this feature provides the ability to search documents attached to the field (subject to the user having permission to access the field).

File Types Supported

  • When you add a document to this file you must make sure that the document can be indexed for searching. The following types of documents are supported: Microsoft Word and Excel, Adobe PDF, HTML and RTF files.

Ensuring that PDF Files are searchable

  • If using PDF you must ensure that the files are text-searchable. You can test for this functionality by opening the file with Adobe Acrobat Reader and ensuring that the Select Text tool can be used to select text from the file.

Indexing after uploading

The indexing function takes place when the file is first uploaded so if you decide to index a file file after the file is uploaded you must re-index the field. Use the following steps to index the field:

1. Locate and edit the Custom Field.

2. Click the File Index check box.

3. Click the Save button.

4. Click the File Index tab.

5. Click the option button Re-index all files in this field now!

6. Click the Save button.

Disabling a File Index

If you wish to disable the File Index function and no longer make attached files searchable use the following steps:

1. Locate and edit the Custom Field.

2. De-select the File Index check box.

3. Click the Save button.

4. Click the File Index tab.

5. Click the option button Remove index from all files in this field now!

6. Click the Save button.

Display Additional File Attributes for PDF Documents

  • If the Single File field is going to store a PDF file, you can also create a Read Only - System Variables field to display additional attributes about the file (called Meta Data).
  • The additional attributes that can be extracted and displayed are: author, creator, producer, keywords, subject, title, number of pages, creation date and modified date.
  • See Display Additional File Attributes for PDF Documents for details on how this is accomplished.