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General Details

Upgrade Dates

Public Cloud Production release date: March 10 2022
Public Cloud Backup release date: March 1 2022

Private Cloud Production (Managed Upgrades) release date: March 24 2022
Private Cloud Backup (Managed Upgrades) release date: March 10 2022


Watch this video to get a general overview of the new features in this release.

To watch this video in full screen, please click on the full screen button on the bottom right.

Global System Upgrades

The new features listed below are enhancements to the SmartSimple system and will be immediately available to SmartSimple users upon the application of the upgrade to their server:

Major Updates

Deprecation of Classic Options on User and Organization Signup Pages

The following settings that were found on the Classic Options tab have been deprecated: Internal Entry, Internal Format, Attach Web Form, Create Folder for User. If these features were enabled, you will still see the settings. Otherwise, the settings will no longer be visible. If you create a new signup page, you will no longer have the option to enable these features.

Minor Updates

Updates to the Sent Message Queue

We have added a new button called View Message to easily preview sent email messages in the Message Queue. Email messages that contain HTML and formatting (not plain text) will no longer be automatically rendered. Instead, you will have an option to open the email contents securely in a new window. To see this new functionality, navigate to Menu Icon > Message Queue > Sent tab > Click the icon on the far left of each record.

On-Demand System Upgrades

The following features are available immediately with the application of the upgrade, but must first be enabled or configured by a Global Administrator:

Major Updates

There are no major on-demand updates for this upgrade.

Minor Updates

Added Ability to Choose Type as Icon Color for Level 1 List Views

Added the ability to choose the Type color for the icon on Level 1 list views. Previously, the Level 1 list view icons always used the Status color, whereas level 2s and 3s had the option to choose. To see the new setting called Color Code Based On, navigate to the configuration screen of a Level 1 list view.

A new setting in the list view properties allows users to display color based on Type or Status.

Updated the Ability to Set Role-Based IP Restrictions for Login

You can now set an allow list of IP addresses per role which will be used to only allow certain IP addresses to log into the system under a specific role. To see the new setting for this additional layer of security, navigate to Global Settings > Users tab > Roles > Edit a role > Permissions tab.

The new IP restrictions are placed under the user roles.

Added Ability to Customise the Unlink Message for ORCID

Two new inputs have been added to the ORCID User Standard Field. Specifically, Unlink Button Alert and Profile Main Tab Instructions. This gives you the ability to easily customize the messaging around unlinking accounts for your ORCID users. To see the new settings, navigate to Global Settings > Users tab > Standard Fields > ORCID.

Systems using ORCID now have the ability to customize messaging around the Unlink Account button.

Added Default Layout for Advanced Data Tables

Added a new “Page Layout” setting for the custom field Special - Advanced Data Table so you can easily set up this field type without looking at or modifying code. To use these new options, create or navigate to a custom field of type Special - Advanced Data Table. For the new option Page Layout, select "Default". This will surface the new setup options for Page Title and Page Instructions. The Section Builder has also been updated to include new options for Display Order (under the Section Details tab) and Visibility Condition (under the Permissions and Availability tab).

A new default layout for Advanced Data Tables makes them easier to set up.

Added Auto-Population Button for Custom Field Translations

Added a button called Populate from Field on the custom field translations screen. This convenience feature allows you to populate the translation you are currently working on with placeholder data. It pulls the placeholder values from the base field for context. To see this new button, go to UTA Settings > Level One tab > Custom Fields > Edit a custom field > Click the Custom Field Translation Settings button on the top action bar > Select a language > Click the Populate from Field button.

The new button is located on the Custom Field Translation Settings.

Added Routing Options to the Create New Activity Workflow Task Type

It’s now easier to assign users to newly created activities without the need to create specific UTA roles. This change applies to all workflow types related to a specific tracking application. To view this setting, go to Workflows > Edit a workflow > Create or edit a task of type Create New Activity > Create for Users Assigned as. This gives you the option to assign the tasks to users based on either their UTA roles or if they are assigned as the owner.

Workflow tasks that create new activities can now be assigned to the user in the owner or person fields.

Added Pre-Processing for JSON Files in Autoloader

Updated autoloader to include pre-processing for JSON file types. To see this option, go to Menu Icon > Autoloaders > Edit an autoloader > Set the File Type to "JSON"> Click the Process tab > File Pre-Processing.

Added Support for Dun & Bradstreet Integration

We have extended ssGet() variable syntax to support Dun & Bradstreet API calls. This watchlist scanning integration requires that you bring your own license.

Beta Previews

No features are available for beta preview this upgrade.

Notes for Admins

Added New Request Method to Workflow Task Type

If you create a workflow task of the type Web Service – RESTful Request, you now have the option to choose Delete as the request method.

Updates to Database Schema and Maintenance

Behind the scenes updates to connectors and database schema.

Improved Password Rendering

In some areas of the system (such as the Global Settings > Communications > SMTP Relay), if a password was present and saved, the input will now be greyed out with an Edit button. Previously there was no visual indication that a password was present and saved.

Updates were made to password rendering for greater clarity.

Media Library Thumbnail Rotation

Fixed an issue where image thumbnails as seen in the media library (Upload – Multiple Files Storage custom field) were not rotated based on Exif orientation. Images uploaded after the upgrade will receive thumbnails that are automatically rotated.

Added Ability To Restrict User Group Settings

Added ability to restrict access to user group settings pages. To see the new permission, navigate to Global Settings > Security tab > System Feature Permissions > Features tab > User Group – Manager. These settings will continue to be available to Global Administrators regardless of permissions set.

Archive Schedule Start Time

Archive Schedules will now start running at 15 minutes after the hour instead of on the hour.

Edit Profiles Via Links

When a user clicks a link configured to edit an Organization/User profile, if the user has view permission, they will now see the profile in view mode when they previously saw an access denied message.

User Workflows

The "System Call” task is now available for User Workflows

Updated Libraries

Updated jQuery UI Libraries to 1.13.1.

Updated JQuery version to 1.4.1

Updated highcharts to version v9.3.2


Fixed some issues around saving translation settings

Increased Encryption and Validation

Added encryption to the value stored against the session variable and cookie for the logout redirect. Plus, we are now enforcing server-side validation for the new password and confirmation password values.

Added Search using Modified By

Added ability to search using Modified By in Level 1 list view Advanced Search

Logs will display 3 months of data

Logs located in the following locations will now only show items for the past 3 months. Menu icon > Gort Automation > Autoloader Process (in Process/Failed) Menu icon > Global Settings > Configuration Error Log

Autoloader and report notifications

Email notifications from autoloader and report export will now use the default from address if configured. To configure the default from address, navigate to Menu icon > Global Settings > Communications tab > Email Options and Security > Enable Default From Address.

Validation of file names with single quotes

Fixed an issue where if a file has single quotes, it will cause errors in validation when the Description field is enabled on the Upload - Multiple Files Storage custom field.

Test to production (T2P)

Some unneeded tables are no longer included in the T2P comparison.

Integration Key Management

Updates to the Integration Key Management screens including layout and labels changes for SFTP/FTP and Private Key Files.

Archiving Activities

Standard field Associated Parent will now be available in the activities file when archiving.

UTA File Search

UTA admins will now have access to the UTA file search feature