HCAI Overview

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Revision as of 15:44, 3 January 2008 by Julia Decker (talk | contribs)

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A service named: SmartSimple HCAI Gateway has been created to handle requests from various SmartSimple servers.

This gateway handles all communications between any instances of SmartSimple, regardless of the server on which that instance is running.

Once the gateway receives a request for an instance the following steps are executed:

  • Normalizes the data.
  • Generates the HCAI compliant date based on the HCAI structure data model.
  • Sends the data to HCAI via web service.
  • Interprets and sends back appropriate HCAI responses.

Gateway Infrastructure

This service runs on a dedicated server managed by SmartSimple and located in our Montreal data centre. This server is configured as follows:

1. Windows Operating system.

2. .Net Framework and Web Service 2.0 installed.

3. Tomcat Application Server installed to handle request (ticket) from SmartSimple instances and provides various administrative functions.

4. SmartSimple API Active COM object retrieves encrypted data from SmartSimple and post back response.

5. The SmartSimple Gateway application that submits data to the HCAI server and receives responses from the HCAI server.

System Management