Preview UTA Forms Through Different Roles, Statuses, and Versions

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How.png This article will explain how you can implement this feature for use on your SmartSimple system.


From the UTA Settings page System Administrators can now preview UTA forms. Previews include drop down options to allow quick switching between views based on different status', roles, and versions. This enhancement will generate form previews at different statuses without the requirement to fill in mandatory fields and without the requirement of having to log in as different users accounts.

From within the configuration pages we would like a preview option for UTA forms (Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3) – with status, role and version drop downs so we can switch between them. This would allow preview of forms at different statuses without having to fill in mandatory fields etc, or different roles without having to log in with a bunch of different accounts.

Navigating to the Feature

  1. Navigate to the desired UTA
  2. Click on the Configuration Settings icon
  3. Click the Level 1 tab
  4. In the Level 1 Properties section, click on the Level 1 Form Preview hyperlink.


The feature is located within the Application Properties' section

Below is an example of the Preview From

  • Changing from views are completed by selecting specific Roles, Status', and Versions from the drop down values at the top of the Form Preview.
  • Clicking the Preview' button will display the View.


  • Mandatory fields will not be required to be completed
  • Object variables will not be processed
  • Some visibility conditions will be impacted due to the above conditions

See Also