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Configuration - Essentials



Configuration - Advanced



Settings Explained

General Tab

The following settings are available on the General tab:

Setting Description
Language Each login page must have a single language which you can select from the dropdown.
Is Default Login Page By default, when a user goes to your system's URL without the Language ID, they will be directed to the English US language login page. If you want users to go to a different language login page by default, toggle this setting on for the login page with your desired language. Note: only one login page can be set as the default.
Page Layout Leave this setting on Default unless you specifically need to customize the HTML to your login page as it will ensure you will always have the latest and greatest looking login page. If you choose Custom you will get a Template tab where you can modify the underlying HTML of the login page. Note if you opt to go custom, you may need to manually update your login pages to take advantage of improvements or changes in functionality.
Page Title This is the title your browser displays on it’s title bar or page tab. This text is used to populate the title tag in the HTML of the login page. Typically your organization's name is entered into this field.
Login Title Text entered here appears above the area where you authenticate. Typically the word "Login" is entered into this field.
Content Title Text entered here appears above the custom message on the right area of the screen. Typically this is replaced with something like "Welcome to XYZ".
Content Text Text entered here appears below the content title. Typically this area is used to describe who you are, what you do and what the system is used for. Example: "XYZ group provides grants to non-profits in the USA. Register to gain access to the system and apply for funding."
Logout Redirect URL This is the page the user gets redirected to once they logout. Enter a URL such as https://www.smartsimple.com/ or leave it blank to have the user redirected back to your system’s login page by default.

=Template Settings

This following settings are available when creating a template:

Section Choose to show or hide the Privacy Policies for your system on the login page only.
Section Title This input only appears if you are using the Default page layout with privacy policies on. Typically people enter "Learn more about our".
Button Label This input only appears if you are using the Default page layout with Privacy Policies on. Enter the name you want to give the button that will open your systems policies that you define. Typically people enter "Privacy and Security Policies" for the button text.