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#REDIRECT [[SmartSimple Outlook Synchronization]]
The [[SmartSimple]] Outlook synchronization tool provides the following features:
* Maintenance of contact and company information in Outlook or [[SmartSimple]].
'''Note''': only companies and their associated contacts, where the company "ownership" is set to the current [[SmartSimple]] [[User|user]], will be synchronized.
This feature also supports the use of [[Custom Fields|custom fields]] and [[Role|roles]] for contacts and multiple notes.
* Maintenance of your personal calendar in Outlook or [[SmartSimple]].
This feature also supports multiple notes for each calendar entry, and the use of any custom calendar fields defined in [[SmartSimple]].  Notes can be
created in Outlook or [[SmartSimple]].
* If you are using the [[SmartSimple]] [[Applicant Tracking]] system, you can synchronize applicant information, including applicant resumes.
==Installing Outlook Synchronization==
The [[SmartSimple]] Outlook Synchronization tool works with Microsoft Outlook 2003, 2002, 2000 and Outlook 98.
Use the following step-by-step instructions to install this feature.  The images in this example are taken from Outlook 2003.
1. Launch '''Microsoft Outlook'''.
2. Choose the '''Tools''', '''Options''' [[Menu|menu]].
3. Click the '''Other''' tab.
4. Click the '''Advance Options''' button.
5. Click the '''COM Add-ins''' button.
6. Click the '''Add''' button.
7. Browse to the folder where you stored the file '''SSOutlook.dll'''.
8. Select the file - '''SSOutlook.dll'''.
9. Click the '''OK''' button.
The [[:Category:Plug-Ins|Plug-In]] is added and selected.
10. Click the '''OK''' button on each screen until you are returned to Outlook.
The new buttons will be added to the Outlook toolbar – '''Settings''' and '''Sync'''.
You are now ready to configure the settings.
==Using the Settings button==
There are three buttons on the [[SmartSimple]] toolbar:
[[Image:Outl8.png]] - Use this button to display the '''SmartSimple Settings''' options, set your [[Username|username]], [[Password|password]], company [[Alias|alias]] and [[SmartSimple]] Web Address.
[[Image:Outl9.png]] - Used to synchronize a designated Outlook Calendar folder with your [[SmartSimple]] Calendar.  This button is disabled unless you select a designated folder.
[[Image:Outl10.png]] - Used to synchronize a designated Outlook Contact folder with your [[SmartSimple]] contacts.  This button is disabled unless you select a designated folder.
==Setting your User Information==
The following instructions show you how to set [[User|user]] information.
You only need to set these values the first time you use the '''Synchronization''' tool.
1. Click the '''SmartSimple Settings''' button.
The '''SmartSimple Settings''' Options are displayed.
2. Enter your [[Username|username]], [[Password|password]], company [[Alias|alias]] and [[URL]].
3. Click the '''Refresh''' button to validate the setting.
4. Click the '''Close''' button.
If any of the values are incorrect the following message will be displayed:
==Setting up a Shared SmartSimple Contact Folder==
The '''Synchronization''' feature uses the name of the folder to identify if the selected folder – either contacts or calendar – should be synchronized with [[SmartSimple]].
* If the name of a selected folder contains the word "smartsimple" (not case sensitive), then the '''Sync Calendar''' or '''Sync Contact''' button will be enabled, depending on the folder type.
* If you wish to synchronize an existing list of contacts in Outlook with [[SmartSimple]], then you will need to rename the folder to contain the word "smartsimple" - not case sensitive.
* '''Note''': you cannot change the standard contact folder named "contact", so if you wish to use the contents from this folder you will need to copy these contacts to a new folder.
==Creating a New Folder==
It is easier to see where a new folder will be created by displaying the '''Outlook''' folder list.
1. If the folder list is not displayed, choose the '''View Folder List''' [[Menu|menu]].
2. Select the level where you wish to add the new folder.
3. Choose the '''File''', '''New Folder''' [[Menu|menu]].
4. Type a folder name – be sure to include the word "smartsimple".
5. Set the folder type to either '''Appointment''' items (for Calendar Synchronization), or '''Contact''' items (for Contact Synchronization).
6. Click the '''OK''' button.
The '''folder''' icon will indicate either contacts or appointments.
==Creating a Shortcut on your Outlook Sidebar==
You can drag the folder name to the Outlook sidebar to create a shortcut.  This will make it easier to locate the folder in the future.
1. Drag the '''Folder''' name to the required location on the '''Outlook''' sidebar.
You can repeat the folder creation process with a new calendar folder.
Once complete, you can use the '''View Folder List''' [[Menu|menu]] to hide the folder list.
==Using Outlook Synchronization==
1. Click on the '''Contact''' folder.
The '''Sync Contacts''' button is enabled.
2. Click the '''Sync Contacts''' button.
The '''Synchronization''' process for contacts is executed.
3. Click on the '''Calendar''' folder.
The '''Sync Contacts''' button is enabled.
4. Click the '''Sync Calendar''' button.
The '''Synchronization''' process for the calendar is executed.
Please review the '''Synchronization''' rules later in the document for a complete description of synchronization logic.
==Outlook Contact Fields Verses SmartSimple Fields==
The following table shows how '''Outlook Contact''' fields are mapped to [[SmartSimple]] Contact fields.
==Setting Custom Field Values for Contacts==
Once the folder has been synchronized for the fist time you can set [[Custom Fields|custom field]] values for any contact, or change their [[Role|role]] to the extent that your [[SmartSimple]] [[Role|role]] supports adding or changing [[Role|roles]].
1. Double click on any contact.
The contact window is displayed.
'''Note''' the '''SmartSimple Fields''' button.
2. Click the '''SmartSimple Fields''' button.
The '''SmartSimple Fields''' window is displayed.
The top pane of the window displays the contact [[Role|roles]], and the bottom pane displays the fields associated with the selected [[Role|role]].
==Setting Additional Contact Roles==
This window is used to set additional [[Role|roles]] for the contact.
* Current [[Role|roles]] are indicated with a tick mark next to the [[Role|role]] name.
* Additional [[Role|roles]] you can set are displayed.
* As you select additional [[Role|roles]] the field list will change to display any additional fields associated with the selected [[Role|role]].
* If [[Role|roles]] have not been established, then only [[Custom Fields|custom fields]] associated with a contact will be displayed.
* If no [[Custom Fields|custom fields]] are set for a [[Role|role]], you can still set the [[Role|role]] for the contact.
You cannot create a new [[Role|role]] or a [[Custom Fields|custom field]] in Outlook.  This must be done in [[SmartSimple]].
1. Select an additional [[Role|role]].
Additional fields will be displayed if they are associated with the new [[Role|role]].
==Setting a Custom Field Value==
1. Double click on a field on the bottom pane to set its value.
The '''selection''' options and the '''validation''' types will be same as originally established in [[SmartSimple]].
2. Click the '''OK''' button to save the new value.
3. Click the '''Save and Close''' button.
The contact record is updated and closed.
==Updating Calendar Events==
Synchronized calendar events can also have [[Custom Fields|custom fields]] and multiple notes for each event.
1. Create a new appointment in your '''SmartSimple Synchronized''' folder.
2. Save and redisplay the appointment.
3. Click the '''SmartSimple Fields''' button.
If any event [[Custom Fields|custom fields]] exist, you can set their values.
==Adding Event Notes==
You can add multiple notes to a single event in [[SmartSimple]].  This functionality is replicated in the '''Outlook Calendar''' event.
1. Click the '''SmartSimple Notes''' button.
Existing notes are displayed in the top pane of the window.
A new note is composed in the bottom pane of the window.
If there are multiple types of notes with different permissions, then you can select the note type from the '''Note Type''' combo box.
2. Click the '''New Note''' button.
3. Type the '''New Note'''.
4. Click the '''OK''' button.
The '''Note''' is added.
These notes will be uploaded the next time you synchronize with [[SmartSimple]].
==Reserved Fields in Outlook==
The Outlook synchronization feature uses three contact outlook fields to store the custom contact and [[Role|role]] information.  These fields are Contact Information – Billing, Miscellaneous fields – User1 and User2.
You should not use these fields for other purposes.  If you do, any information that you enter will be overwritten the next type you synchronize with [[SmartSimple]].
[[Category:System Management]][[Category:Plug-Ins for Microsoft Office]]

Latest revision as of 08:48, 9 October 2012